Thursday, May 28, 2020

Clapping for the NHS

I live in a house with no windows facing the road - a part house, upside down and back to front, shared with a business on the front.  After moving in and dumping my stuff, I hunkered down for a year, hidden, I felt, from the world.

The first week of Thursday night NHS clapping I stayed inside, no-one out there, I believed, with whom to join in.

The second week I stuck my head out the living room velux and heard clapping – lots of clapping – and cheers and pots and pans and fireworks.  No idea where from, but from somewhere.

The third week I ventured anxiously out the gate, stood at the end of the driveway and found … two neighbours I didn’t know I had.  We’ve increased in number, week by week.  Six of us this Thursday. 

I live in a part house, upside down and back to front, no windows facing the road.  Lockdown opened a door for me, brought me out of the shadows, reconnecting me to the world.


Hello child, welcome to life!

This will seem a strange and fearful place to you, no doubt, a jumble of shapes and colours at this stage which you won't have the knowl...