Friday, January 28, 2022

January 2022: a poem

The shades of January have again,
Repeated last years sad refrain,
Our fight with Covid onward goes,
It chooses not 'twix friends or foes.

 But now we hear with some concern,
Of ‘antics at the top’, we learn,
Restrictions meant for One and All
Should cause the Cabinet to ‘fall’.

We wait with trepidation,
To hear of ‘Cakes and Sherry’
How Boris and his fellow men,
In lawless groups’ made merry.

Say no to Bo Jo’s whitewash,
The truth will out we say,
We need to see unblemished facts,
Not fifty shades of grey!

David Taylor,
28th January 2022

Photo: Old stone background texture by Annie Spratt, from

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Of Storms and Phonics

There was once an infant from Hove
incredibly cross with old Gove;
said ‘he’s knackered the schools
with his darn silly rules,
and phonics I’m starting to loathe!’

There once was a storm name of Corrie
so strong that it made us all worry.
Like a garlicky stew
it raged and it blew
till home we all had to hurry!

Alison Mott

Hello child, welcome to life!

This will seem a strange and fearful place to you, no doubt, a jumble of shapes and colours at this stage which you won't have the knowl...