Monday, September 2, 2024


Who do I most miss of late? 
‘Would have to be my Aunty Kate.
Younger than my much loved mother, 
neither one could claim a brother.

Sisters, I have two to show;
Did Kate have children? Sadly, no. 
And so we three, from time to time, 
Were ‘lent’ to Kate, and that was fine!

Two weeks in Melton Mowbray found 
one of us on ‘other ground’; 
Little treats upon us rained, 
and my young energy was drained! 

Aunty Kate could find each day 
engaging projects, work or play, 
Never were we ‘at a loss’, 
Aunty Kate, our loving boss! 

Her generosity unstinted 
has upon our lives imprinted 
a truth that children all should know, 
You come to reap, just what you sow! 

David Taylor

Aunty Kath in 1938


Who do I most miss of late?  ‘Would have to be my Aunty Kate. Younger than my much loved mother,  neither one could claim a brother. Sister...