Monday, June 7, 2021

All Bloody and Torn Apart

It was during 1984, when I was driving my mother to Hinckley Hospital (where my father was undergoing a small operation) that an unexplained event occurred.

It was a dark and wet night and the country road ahead was illuminated by the headlights of my then new Datsun 100A car.

Passing through a heavily wooded area, I was suddenly obliged to brake hard as a ‘brown shape’ loomed into view, impacted with the front offside wheel, and then struck the driver's door with a huge thump.

Having stopped and made reassuring comments to Mum, I walked back down the road to investigate the incident.

I was expecting to find a large dog in the centre of the road, dead, all bloody and torn apart.

To my amazement I found nothing at all, and after a few minutes I returned to my car quite puzzled.  The only evidence that anything had happened was a huge dent in the driver’s door.

As required by law, I filed the event with Loughborough Police the following day, but I heard no more.

David Taylor

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